Saturday, 19 October, 2024


Mbah Threatens To Shut Schools, Markets, Businesses Obeying IPOB’s Sit-At-Home Order

Schools, markets, retail outlets, hospitals, transporters, and malls that continue to obey the weekly Monday sit-at-home order by the proscribed Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) in Enugu State will be shut.

The state government declared on Saturday in Enugu that it already cancelled the order of the proscribed group.

It also set up a task force to monitor compliance with its new directive from Monday, June 5.

Gov. Peter Mbah cancelled IPOB’s Monday sit-at-home order in Enugu State on June 1 when he said the order killed the spirit of entrepreneurship, commerce and creativity of residents of the state.

The government stated in its Saturday warning that all schools, markets, retail outlets, hospitals, transporters, malls and members of the public must comply with its cancellation of IPOB’s order.

It directed all residents in the state to go about their normal businesses and activities every day of the week, including Mondays.

“All concerned are required to comply with government directive as adequate security measures have been taken to guarantee their safety.

“Any market, transport outlet, or any other body that fails to open for business risks being shut immediately,’’ Mr Dan Neomeh, head of Gov. Mbah’s media team stated.



One comment on “Mbah Threatens To Shut Schools, Markets, Businesses Obeying IPOB’s Sit-At-Home Order

Pastor Godson Obinani

Good governance is all about meeting the people’s and solving people’s problems, after that you start introducing your own ideas and plans because you are there to serve them, knowing that you having opportunity to be on the top does not mean that you are the wisest among your people. etc.


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