Friday, 18 October, 2024


CSO Condemns Move To Mobilize For 2nd Round #EndSARS Protest

***calls for commencement of reconstruction, reconciliation

This was made known by the National Coordinator, CAGG, Nazir Galadanchi, at a press conference held in Abuja, while speaking on the need to embark on reconstruction and reconciliation mission by the government.

According to Galandanchi the realities on ground, Nigerians need to truly accept the unassailable fact that there is no other country Nigerians can call their country other than Nigeria, and that the #EndSARS protest that started like a movement to correct certain anomalies in the operations of the Special Anti Robbery Squad of the Nigeria Police Force culminated into high degree of violence, arson and killings.

He also added that beyond buck passing, we must have sober reflections and ruminate on all the scenarios with an open mind set for concerted efforts towards national reconciliation and reconstruction.

He said: “We called for this conference due to the turn of events emanating from the information we have concerning the plot and plan of those sponsoring #EndSARS protest, which we learnt protesters are regrouping to unleash another round of mayhem under the guise of making demands.

“We want to state here that this is not the time for another round of destabilizing the peace of the nation while demands made earlier are being attended to by the government including to tackle the recession the nation finds herself.

“We must not allow evil to triumph over good under any guise. There is no contention on the rights of the people to protest against actions that impede on their rights and privileges, whether by an individual, groups, government or agents of government, but tears and sorrows shouldn’t be the hallmarks of protests as witnessed recently. For the triumph of good over evil, the good people must ensure that the societies don’t go on flames in the cause of advocating for the betterment of the people. When disorderliness becomes a norm in the society, the space for peace, tranquility and harmony in the societies becomes very lean, which is capable of complicating the economic situations of the people.”

He further stated that, “This ugly twist and turn of the #EndSARS protest that was obviously orchestrated by fake news that was promoted on social media has done more harm than good which today have caused monumental damage and loss of investments and businesses running into billions of Naira within that short period that have made Nigerians to lost their jobs and livelihoods, and programmes and projects by the public and public sector stalled, and now the borders have being forcefully opened because of the attacks on security personnel leading to inflow of weapons and all sorts of illicit trades.

“Finally, the economy has been thrown into recession largely as a result of the massive and negative impact the #EndSARS protest caused to the economy. Now inflation is on the hyper level, insecurity has increased tremendously. Nigerians are in jeopardy and desperate to survive.

“The obvious part of this destruction has sent wrong signal to investors and will not be easy for the economy to revive as many businesses are current shut down.”

Meanwhile, the group called for reconstruction and reconciliation, which various institutions were called upon to take on the task to heal he wounds the protest has caused.

“There is a genuine need for national reconciliation across our conventional divides. To achieve this onerous task, we must begin to reason and act as Nigerians that want the system to work properly.

“We must also acknowledge that there are crooks whose means of livelihoods are not lawful and responsible for the spate of crimes across the Country. The good people inclined to lawful deeds should be conscious of their leanings, and never allow themselves be used as cannon fodders to create upheavals in the polity again.

We must always bear in mind that, what dialogue cannot solve, violence can never solve it. Violence breeds violence and expand the coast of crimes. The collective desires of the downtrodden for improved living conditions can best be guaranteed in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which are the recipe for economic growth and development.

“Across the length and breadth of Nigeria, we are using this medium to call upon well meaning Nigerians to take the cause of public enlightenment, sensitization and guidance of the people towards lawful deeds as a germane priority.

“We enjoin exemplary leaders of thoughts, opinion leaders, civil societies, educational institutions, churches, mosques and concerned government agencies, to rise to the good cause of guiding the populace rightly as we echo loudly the need for National Reconciliation and Reconstruction.”

The group also urged young people not to take to violence but dialogue.

“We also call on young people of Nigeria to evaluate the consequences of the damages caused during the END SARS Protests. The aftermath has brought sorrows into many homes and the society is currently witnessing high powered criminalities.

“Albeit, the duty of government is to provide efficient security of lives and properties, without robust collaborations of well meaning citizens, the security agencies will be overwhelmed by criminals. It has become crystal clear that those who want to destabilize the Country for self serving purpose had a free ride by tapping into the emotions of the Youth to carry out their ill motives.

“We wish to remind Nigerians, especially the Youth to remember the age long slogan that “Rome was not built in a day”. Our collective desire for a greater Country can come to proper fruition if we all open our conscience to right actions in the best interest of the societies at large.

“We must always remember that, those who profit from criminalities will always devise means to demoralize the security agencies. It behooves on well meaning citizens to ensure those criminal elements don’t pitch the populace against the Police further.

“The need for national reconciliation and reconstruction never be overemphasized. We call all Nigerians of good minds and concerns for collective goods to rise and mend broken walls of unity of purpose.”

However, the group made some recommendations which include, Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, should not see themselves as tough and wants to use their platform to instigate young people to go against constituted authorities, thereby overheat the polity. We want security agents to monitor such groups and stop their nefarious acts for peace to reign in our country;

“We want the government to ensure there is no delay to address the demands of #EndSARS protesters as earlier promised, and that should involve the youths themselves in the process of addressing their demands through genuine and well meaning CSOs.

“Those who have been affected by the destructions caused by perpetrators of violence during the protests should be reached and their needs met in order for them to bounce back to business which should be part of the reconstruction and reconciliation process, and also a way of tackling the recession.

“The United Kingdom, UK, Parliament should be properly engaged by the Federal Government to let them know the graphic details of what really transpired before, during and after the #EndSARS protest across the country in order for the international community to understand the whole issues.

“The Panel of Inquiry should be given all support to give justice to those who have written their complaints on alleged police brutality, and should be part of the reconciliation process, and those who are to be compensated should be given such.

“Government should get closer to youths and carry them along in terms of decision making and policy formulation by getting their input on how best to help realise their dreams and aspirations.

“Traditional rulers and local government authorities should be involved in the peace, reconciliation and reconstruction process because they are the closest authorities to the people.

“Nigerians should be given more enlightenment on fake news and its impact as seen in the #EndSARS protest. Let there be serious understanding of information that gets to the people to avoid any future mayhem.

“We also advise that nobody should be victimized as being part of #EndSARS protest in order not to create and compound the issues of #EndSARS.

“We also want Nigerians to trust their security agents and there should be that synergy and collaboration between them because security agents are also Nigerians, neighbours, relations, friends and citizens. In essence the rights of citizens and security agents should be respected and never infringed upon.”

Credit: Leadership


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