The Governor of Ananmbra state, Chief Dr Willie Obiano today addressed the people of Anambra on the development regarding covid-19, and modality for returning to social activities.
Recall that we reported on April 21, 2020 that the state government would be opening up the markets in the state on April 27, 2020. Below is the full text of the governor’s broadcast.

Ndi Anambra, ekenem unu.
Once again, I am here to give you an update on our fight against Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Anambra State.
When I addressed you on Wednesday this week, I informed you that a second post-treatment test on our Index Case had returned negative and that I had directed the Commissioner of Health to ensure his immediate discharge from our Protective Care Center. Well, I am delighted to inform you that our Index Case has been discharged and has re-united with his family. Ndi Anambra, his speedy recovery further confirms my earlier assurances that we have made the necessary preparation required to fight Covid-19. So, I urge you not to fear but rather exercise your faith in God. Covid-19 is not a death sentence. And if we fight together and do what is expected of us, we shall win!

Update on the Results of Contacts of Index Case:
Ndi Anambra in my last broadcast to you, I informed you that we had submitted the samples of the 36 people that had direct contact with the Index Case for testing. I am happy to announce here today, that the results have all returned negative. All in all, we have sent 68 tests out of which only one returned positive (and that was our Index Case). However, we are awaiting the result of just one sample at the moment. With these results, we are encouraged to do more together to ensure that our beloved state is safe for all of us. We are encouraged to work harder, to fight harder and to sacrifice even more to keep Anambra State free from Coronavirus.
Letting in some fresh air:
Ndi Anambra, following the outcome of all the tests we have conducted so far and the impressive cooperation we have received from our people in these past few weeks, we are encouraged to make a few adjustments to our strategy against the pandemic in the following areas –
All food markets including restaurants and bars in Anambra State are to reopen for normal business with immediate effect. However they must comply with the principles of social distancing. They are to provide hand-washing points with soap and hand sanitizers at the entry points into the markets.
Today makes it 28 days since we locked all our markets. As result, I have scheduled a meeting with the leaders of all the markets in Anambra State for Monday, April 27, 2020 to review our position and agree on when to reopen our markets.
All our boundaries with neighbouring states remain completely closed. Only people on essential services and haulage trucks with essential commodities are allowed passage after a thorough check and confirmation by the security personnel at the boundaries. The illegal motor parks operating at the boundaries shall be quickly dismantled with immediate effect. Crossing the boundaries on foot is not allowed. The law enforcement has been directed to see to that.
With regards to religious groups, leaders of the church should ensure that worshippers comply with the standards protocols of Covid-19 which includes wearing of face masks to church, use of hand sanitizers, social distancing and regular washing of hands. Church leaders should decide how best to conduct mass and service in strict adherence to the principles of social distancing to ensure that worshippers are not endangered. Please note that there should be no crusades and vigils for the time being.
Movement within Anambra State has now been reopened.
The directive on the wearing of face masks remains fully in force. Nobody should step out of their homes without wearing a face mask.
We shall continue to emphasize strict compliance with the globally accepted Covid-19 protocol of regular hand-washing, regular use of hand-sanitizers and other social-distancing rules.
Ndi Anambra are advised to contact the Anambra State Public Health Emergency Operation Center immediately (PHEOC) once they feel unwell. The PHEOC numbers are 09034728047. 08117567363, 09034668319, 08163594310, 08145434416. WhatsApp: 09033605959. SMS: 09074285546
Appreciation of Donors.
I am most grateful to Ndi Anambra for your donations both to the state and to the various communities. We shall keep updating the list of donors to ensure that no one is left out or denied due recognition.
You may visit www.absradiotv.com for details.
Appreciation of Healthcare Workers:
In conclusion, Ndi Anambra, we must continue to appreciate our health workers who occupy the frontline position in the fight against this pandemic. Their commitment to our collective well-being should inspire us to take more responsibility for our health and the health of our communities. We shall continue to remember them in our prayers meditations.
However, to encourage more commitment from our healthcare workers, I am delighted to
announce that the 4 doctors who handled our Index Case, along with the 2 nurses, the pharmacist, the cleaner and the ambulance driver who took him to the Preventive Care Center shall be awarded a Medal of Honour from the Government of Anambra State and a cash award that will be announced subsequently. It is my hope that this gesture will encourage our healthcare workers to do more in the future.
We must also thank the law enforcement agents who are putting in so much work to ensure that our people comply with the observances of Covid-19. On behalf of the good people of Anambra State, I say “thank you” to you all! I’d also like to announce here that members of the Civil Society Organization have been co-opted into the Covid-19 Committee.
Ndi Anambra, no society was ever adequately prepared for Covid-19. Every society has been responding to this pandemic in its own way and within its own ability. In Anambra, we have responded to it as a government, as a people and as individuals. And I am delighted to say that the outcome has been so far, so good!
Umu nnem, let’s keep fighting together, praying together and looking out for each other. I am sure that if we sustain this spirit, we shall all be winners in the end!
Thank you!
God bless Anambra State
God bless Nigeria
Willie Obiano