By Ezeakukwu Emmanuel Nsoedo
There was a vicious write-up targeted at Chief Chidi Anyaegbu (Okeiyi), the CEO of Chisco transport, and several other concerns. The author also maligned Chief Hon Greg Obi, the Commissioner of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, under Governor Obiano.

One Nnukwu Ada Ezeoke, authored the piece on the platform of Nnewi South LGA. Because of the myriad allegations that bother on slander presented as facts, many individuals had called on the author and possible supporters to desist from making malicious attacks on the person of Chief Anyaegbu and Chief Greg Obi.
Hon Chief Egeuoyibo Okoye addressed Chief Anyaegbu directly: You are a great leader I have ever come across. He adviced Chief Anyaegbu not to join issues with the detractors and continue to do your best in the best interest of your community, and Nnewi South in general. Majority of stakeholders from Nnewi South have benefitted from your leadership backed with substantial material support.
“Be mindful of the proverbial statement of ‘a prophet without honor only in his father’s land…”
Egwuoyibo said “we the people of Nnewi South Local Government appreciate your efforts and will continue to do so. God bless you and the good people of AMICHI.”

Further more, Egwuoyibo Okoye argued the fact that a government under a sitting governor took an action that may not have pleased the author is not enough to malign an astute personality such as Okeiyi Amichi.
Vision Newspapers published verbatim some of the responses to the publication of Nnukwu Ada Ezeoke below:
Macdonald Ifeme cautioned the author for “saying that Chisco bribed Commissioner for LGA.”
“We have to be sure of what we share on social media space. Let’s not allow anger make us write things that may be false.
I am not from Amichi but I am certain that Chisco had done a few things in Amichi. The constant medical outreach and others.”
Daniel wrote :
Is Chisco the problem of Amichi?
This question is a question every right thinking Amichian must ask himself or herself. For the avoidance of doubt, I do not have any form of interest whatsoever in Amichi local politics, this is because I didn’t get to discuss Amichi politics with my late father. But because I am one with his own clean mind, an adult with proper thinking and a man who is wary of the dangers of a single story I personally decided not to get involved. When the issue of Igwe Amichi and Obi came up I showed no interest until the Government of the day issued certificate of recognition. Incidentally the same issue, maybe not entirely thesame has come up with the issue of Amichi PG, yet again the Government of the day has issued a certificate of recognition to someone.
Whether the Government was right or wrong in the two instances remains immaterial because we must move forward as a town. After all, what is all these power tussel for in this short world. Is it power?, Money?, Influence? ,to what end?
But that is not the essence of my write-up, I was irked by a write-up flying around by an unknown fellow, unknown because there is no name attached to it, this means either the person is scared of taking ownership of the lies in the article or is ashamed of him/herself for stooping so low at not just insulting the office and person of the Honourable Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy affairs, but raising propaganda against one of Amichi’s finest and illustrious son.
Lest propaganda is accepted as truth, let me put down a brief reminder of the sacrifices and or the benevolence of Chief Dr. Chidi Anyaegbu MFR(Okeiyi Amichi).
Before I continue its important that I define “problem” as used by the unknown pen man against Okeiyi. Problem from a simple Google search means: “a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.” If Okeiyi Amichi is the problem of Amichi then he probably would be seen as one who doesn’t want the progress of our community and he will be acting as such.
In 2016 during the course of my research for my book; ‘100 Most Successful Ndị Anambra Alive’, I did an extensive research on Chief Dr. Chidi Anyaegbu (Okeiyi Amichi) and what I discovered shocked me and most recently he has added to his rich curriculum vitae of benevolence, but I’ll try to extract the much I can those that concerns Amichi where he is alleged by the unknown pen man to be the problem and then every sane mind can now judge, especially our youths who maybe deceived by ill fated write-up.
- In the 80’s when no transporter brings home people to Amichi due to bad road, Okeiyi’s Chisco Transport continued to bring Ndi Amichi home even though he was doing so at a huge loss, but he was willing to keep the sacrifice going, if it was such a lucrative venture one with a sound mind would ask, why haven’t another known transport company ventured until very recently. Will a man who is a problem to his town do this?
- For 18 years, Chief Chidi Anyaegbu provide a space for Amichi meetings in Lagos and even when the town decided to get a personally owned space, Chief Anyaegbu made the highest donation of 3 million naira at the time, a pledge that he redeemed that helped the purchase of a place for Amichi. Will a man who is the problem of his town do this?
- Last year or thereabout, news were on air that our town was going to loose our Civic centre to AMCON, guess who came to the rescue and saved Amichi the shame, the same person accused of being the problem. He spent over 250million naira of his personal wealth to recover the property and gave the condition that Amichi must be united and sit together during ADU meetings. Will one who is the problem of Amichi do this?
- The Unknown pen man said that Chidi Anyaegbu does not have any tangible project in Amichi except a dirty motor park, remember this dirty Motor park has continued to ease stress for Ndị Amichi traveling to and from Lagos, but that is not the point. The point is that Chief Chidi Anyaegbu has tangible projects to his name; the road leading to his country home was tarred and apart form St Peter’s Anglican Church on same axis, the court and the school in the area, there are many people from Umudim and part of Eziama who ply this road on a daily with street lights making it safer to go home at night.
- The Unknown pen man forgot that Chief Chidi Anyaegbu built and handed over a hall to Umudim community, maybe that is not tangible enough hence the lies.
- In Education, the Chidi Anyaegbu Education Foundation has continued to give scholarships to indigent students from the four quarters of Amichi. He doesn’t even know all the beneficiaries or their quarter. if this is how to know who is a problem to our town then we need more problems.
- Chief Chidi Anyaegbu built from scratch the Faulty of Transport and Logistics study at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and gave 50% scholarship rebait to persons studying the course, with special priority to Amichi persons. This will cost him 140 million naira this year alone with 100 million already paid. Anyone can go to the Vice-Chancellor’s office to make enquiries. A man who is the problem of his community won’t do this.
- Still on Education, Chief Dr Chidi Anyaegbu spent 25million naira to renovate St. Andrew’s Primary school to give the school a facelift and another 40million naira to renovate St. Eugenia primary school. One who is the problem of his community won’t do this.
- The Chisco Group has given more employment opportunities to Ndị Amichi all over the country more than any other Amichi owned business or establishment, maybe the Unknown pen man should educate Okeiyi on how to hate his people and become a problem to them, because this is certainly not a way to be a problem to your people.
- In health, Chief Chidi Anyaegbu built from scratch a brand new hospital in Amichi “De Angelia” hospital in Umudim that does not ask for your quarter before treatment is given, this means Okeiyi has brought good health care closer to his people and hence not their problem.
- Still on health, Chief Chidi Anyaegbu Medical mission annually flies in doctors and health experts from different parts of the world to give free medical care and conduct surgeries that costs fortunes to perform freely for Ndị Amichi, at every visit over 300 people receive Medical care at no cost, a man who hates his people won’t do this.
All these and many more which include Government appointments, personal business support funds and aids given to individuals Including the Churches in Amichi does not in any way present Okeiyi Amichi as one who is the problem of his community.
Anambra State Governor Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR, is one with his own mind and his Commissioners have all been directed to work according to his plans for Ndị Anambra and no Commissioner will dare work against the plans of our Solution Governor. So it is a serious allegation to say Chief Chidi Anyaegbu bribed the Commissioner to do his bidding and it is important to note that he who alleges must prove. Anyone who has substantial evidence about any wrong doing can approach the Government for a redress or a court of competent jurisdiction to order a stay of execution pending further actions.
Chief Chidi Anyaegbu deserves commendations, praises and awards for all he has done and continue to do for Amichi through his God’s given wealth and not to be villified.
Again let me state for clarity sake, I do not have any interest in Amichi Local politics, but as a law abiding citizen we’ll continue to support the State Government when a decision is taken, afterall we have done it before. But while doing that, let us not drag the name of our illustrious son to the mud in the name of playing politics. No amount of propaganda, lies, hatred, backbiting and envy can wish away or take away what Okeiyi has done and continue to do for Amichi.
Chief Dr. Chidi Anyaegbu MFR(Okeiyi Amichi) will continue to live long in good health to do more for our town, keep local politics apart, Okeiyi is an Institution both at the State and Federal level.
NB: Please this is my personal opinion from my personal project research on Chief Chidi Anyaegbu and are all open for verification.
Dalu nu
©️ Daniel-Scott
One Adolphus Umeaniba cautioned thus:
“Ndi Nnam Ochie, it amounts to self defeatism to wash your lien in public. Oke Iyi Amichi is a Solid plus to Amichi and Nnewi South LGA, onye ana ekili ekili adihi nma ikpo Utu.
“ADU Leadership “crisis” is an internal affair of Amichi Community(let it remain so).
“Spreading unfounded allegations against a serving Commissioner of Anambra State is a Criminal offence.
“The Office of President General is tenured in most cases four(4) years, before you say Jack Robinson it has elapsed but you have made an irreversible damage to your relationship with someone and that of your community.
“Finally, if you don’t know the worth of Oke Iyi “loan” him to my Community for just one(1)year, by then you will see ife Amichi ji kam mba.
“NB: Let’s value the blessings of Almighty God in our various Communities.
Chief Nwawulu said “the only thing not tasteful in that Amichi report is the mentioning of names or a name. The issue deserves attention before it will escalate. We should not malign our greats but from this report some of us who are closer to the Stakeholders in Amichi can reach out to them towards finding a solution before it it escalates. Thank you all.
Izuchukwu IG Nwawulu
PG Ukpor.
“I remain Egwuoyibo Okoye, I must put the facts straight case somewhere somehow people ask , Egwuoyibo where were you?”
“The crisis in Ezinifite town union is worse than what you guys are postulating, casting all manner of insults on leaders of your town. But Ezinifite remained calm and sorted themselves in court and now on appeal and still co-exist as brothers waiting for the outcome of the appeal. No leader has ever been insulted. Ask questions and learn and correct the mistakes of the past and move on.”
“That is the leadership in me, please. Channel your griff to the right place.”
Dr Jeff Okeke Mayor Amichi.
August 23, 2022 at 9:53 amEgwuoyibo you have said it all. Don’t mind the people who don’t know what it takes to get to the top