Saturday, 05 October, 2024


AVERT #Fearless In October Protest


An Abuja based Political Scientist, Statecraft and Preventive Peacebuilding Practitioner, Dr. Ayokunle FAGBEMI, the Executive Director of Center for Peacebuilding and Socio-Economic Resources Development (CePSERD), delivering the Keynote Address at the National Association of Seadogs, Pyrates Confraternity, Zuma Deck organized Citizens’ Forum on ENERGY CRISIS IN A BITING

Held on Saturday, 28th day of September 2024 at the NICON Luxury Hotel, Abuja.

Noted that the incumbent APC-led
FGN has some seventy-two hours to enable President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to initiate mediating
and mitigating directives, proclamations and policy
modulations that emphatically can avert the looming #EndBadGovernance 2.0 tagged ‘Fearless in October Protest’as logical responsiveness to
stabilize the Nigerian-state.

He therefore urged President Tinubu to make the necessary adjustments to his speech for Nigeria’s 64th
Independence Anniversary to avert the widely proposed and anticipated “Fearless in October Protest” scheduled to commence on October 1, 2024.

He pleaded that Mr. President should activate measures
that can restore the responsiveness integrity of his administration as required precursor to renewed
citizens trust, confidence, and understanding that citizens are only actively engaged in participatory
governance with regards to the prevalent energy crisis.

Dr. Ayokunle Fagbemi therefore requested thatas a mark of good will and pursuant to the constitutional privileges of President Tinubu’s office, to wit, Section 175, on prerogative of mercy and clemency and
within the purview of case law interpretations of relevant components of the subsisting criminal and Penal codes as per the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) we invite you to consider and implement the following:

1)Issue Presidential Directive to the Attorney General of the Federation/Minister
of Justice to enter “Nolle prosequi” in respect of the already charged protesters; and facilitate the release of ALL protesters currently in detention nationwide using
the #EndSARs and #EndBadGovernance as case studies.

2)Issue a Presidential Directive to the Director-General (SSS) to move Citizen Nnamdi Kanu to a “protected halfway-house safe haven apartment” under
concurrent oversighting of the Nigeria Correctional Service, and with improved visitation rights of unfettered access by his legal and medical teams pending the
resolution of legal bottlenecks to achieve his release and probable acquittal by the judiciary.

Gbemi, as seasoned statecraft practitioner, made copious references to extant legal and policy frameworks that if functional and properly activated by the concerned agencies of government and incumbent public officials the #EndBadGovernance protests should not have occurred.

He identified and reviewed the mandates of ten of such agencies that theirshortfalls in performancethatnegatively
led to the protest because of what he called incoherent Nigerian-state governance feedback information
(data gathering, analyses, and) management system for proventive responses delivery.

As a panacea, he therefore enjoined Mr. President to issue a Presidential Executive Order for activating an efficient Framework on Public Institutions Performance and Citizens Reaction Feedback Monitoring for Proactive Responsesto harness the activities of all agencies of government as provided for by relevant legal and policy frameworks such as in that of the National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (2022),

He however observed that for
effectiveness and efficiency, it may require appointing a Senior Special Assistant/Coordinator (Feedback
Information and Intelligence Analyses for Proactive Response)and strengthening the Office of the Special
Adviser on Performance Monitoring and reinforced direct oversighting by the Chief of Staff to the
President and Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

Dr. Ayokunle Fagbemi had earlier summarized his understanding of the major thrust of “What Citizens
Say”as being that they want to achieve energy
security by a holistic resolution of attendant challenges:

➢Citizens are committed to and desirous of facilitating the demystification of “fuel subsidy regime” and the dismantling and
exposure of the cabal responsible for sustained energy crisis in Nigeria for apprehension and prosecution.

➢Citizens are hopeful that Nigeria can attain optimal levels of energy availability, accessibility and affordability.

➢Citizens are convinced that the crime and criminalities entrenched in the petroleum and electricity subsectors of the energy system in Nigeria must be unraveled, culprits transparently prosecuted and appropriately sanctioned.

➢Citizens affirm that the anticorruption crusade must visit the energy sector if we are to achieve energy security.

➢Citizens believe that to achieve a meaningful energy availability threshold PBAT must provide
leadership required to combat the corruption bedeviling the energy sector.

➢Citizens feel that the energy crisis is continuously being propelled by the anti-citizens, pro-elite
and anti-development governance frameworks based on a problematic 1999 Constitution, extant legislations and skewed policy frameworks or regulations.

➢In lieu of sustainability, citizens are convinced that the FGN under PBAT must provide required
leadership for the Nigerian-state to achieve strategic petroleum reserves for petroleum crude
and premium motor spirit.
As a seasoned statecraft practitioner, Fagbemi therefore urged President Tinubu to be novel in confronting the corruption, elite conspiracy and ganging up of forces that have held the energy sector captive by issuing:

Presidential Convening Order for a Research Study Group to actualize the proposed burst the energy security/crisis bubble research study involving academia, civil society, technocrats, media practitioners, etc.

Presidential Intervening Directive for Inter-Ministerial Collaborative pursuit of concerted
enlightenment of public officials on the provisions of legal and policy frameworks and citizens’ awareness and public enlightenment thereto for positive action.

Direct the Council Secretariats of the (i) National Defence Council, (ii) National Security
Council, and Nigerian Police Council to prepare appropriate Memorandum for
deliberations before each council for the activation of required procedural investigation,
apprehension, prosecution, sanctioning and securing of conviction of perpetrators of
criminal activities in the energy sector.

‘In the same vein, Dr. Ayokunle Fagbemi pleaded with the National Assembly leadership under Senator
Godswill Akpabio and Rt. Honorable Tajudeen Abbas, to strictly stick to their constitutionally mandated
oversight and refrain from conducting another form of probe concerning Nigeria’s lingering energy security/crisis.

He considered and opined “that any NASS probe shall constitute a distraction, become
counterproductive, and shall only create sensations that are merely harmonic vibrations that cannot
achieve much.”

However, he requested that the Senate President as Chairman of NASS should:
“request that relevant stakeholders furnish the NASS with notarized data, reports and answers to
specific questions on the operations in the energy sector;and thereto, constitute a research study
group to review submissions by stakeholders to NASS, for independent verification and validation studies on those submissions, and proffer analytic legislative briefing notes for proactive interventions
by NASS.”

This approach “should help NASS to overcome the sensational razzmatazz often associated
with public hearing probes and mitigate the negative citizens’ perception on NASS integrity and trust deficit.”

He emphasized “that the proposed approach should help NASS receive expert reports from
stakeholders that can easily correlate with the outcomes of ourearlier proposed disruptive research from the executive branch convened by PBAT and help NASS insulate the legislature from brickbats while concentrating on how to ensure that they facilitate the enabling environment for efficiency in the sector.

“The NASS evocation of the stakeholder selfreporting power of oversight we believe should help to
encourage energy sector to optimally upscale production e.g. increased crude exploration to 2.5million barrels per day by ensuring that some currently capped wells are uncapped; and ensure that the NNPCL
refineries start working to justify the appropriation legislations for their reactivation. The same should be applicable for electricity generation, transmission and distribution to citizens as end users.”

Fagbemi finally recommended that Civil Society and Organized Private Sector Collaboration
(particularly IPMAN and DISCOs) should become responsive to citizens’ demands by articulating and aggregating them into synoptic nuggets that can help activate interventions and secure paradigmatic shifts.

He implored them as stakeholders to actively and transparently participate in the implementation
of our proposed recommendations and charted way forward.

Dr. Ayokunle FAGBEMI
Executive Director, CePSERD
September 29, 2024


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