Wednesday, 23 October, 2024


CEO Innoson Group graced the Consecration of seven Bishops-elect at St Andrew’s Basilica, Enugu

By Ezeakukwu Emmanuel Nsoedo

The Primate of Church of Nigeria, and the Metropolitan Archbishop, Most Reverend Henry Ndukuba officiated the consecration of the seven new Bishops-elect and the presentation of four Archbishops-elect.

The ceremony witnessed a great attendance of numerous Bishops and Archbishops from all over Nigeria. The Primate admonished the new Bishops to be faithful in their relationship with the people of God. Following the sermon, he put the new Bishops through the processes and final oath taking that effectively made the new Princes of the Church.

The new Bishops and Diocees are: Ephraim J. Gongden, Diocese of Jos; John C. Obinali, Diocese of Okigwe; Samuel Ike, Diocese of Enugu; Godwin A. Odubena, Diocese of Ijebu North; Hanson O. Bernard, Diocese of Ahoada; Titus Alkali, Diocese of Wusasa; and Samuel O. Ifeyemi, Osun North.

The sermon was eloquently delivered by the RT Rev Professor Israel Kelue Okoye, Bishop of Ihiala. RT Rev Okoye told the new Bishops that while people are extending congratulations to them, they might as well kiss their vacations good bye because they are now going to a very demanding phase of their lives.

Bishop Okoye also drew the distinction of why the Church Nigeria extricated itself from the relationship with its erstwhile Church of England. Bishop Okoye was adamant that the LGBT and same sex legitmization can not be allowed in the Church of Nigeria.


Bishop Okoye dismissed the glorification of materialism by some so-called men of God, who flaunt the expensiveness of their shoes while their members are dying of hunger. He called the new Bishops not to please men over God. The Bishops must understand the place of the church to understand what the Lord prepared for the church.

Bishop Okoye also spoke on the hardships Nigerians are going through, and endemic corruption that pervades the political landscape of Nigeria. He noted that the insecurity is just too much. “Being a Bishop is not the same as elected individuals who believe that it is their time to amass wealth for themselves to the detriment if the people they are supposed to serve.” Hence, Bishop Okoye warned the new Bishops not to turn themselves to wolves that would devour their congregations.

Chief Innocent Chukwuma (Innoson) told Vision Newspapers that indeed the church plays a big role in addressing some of the societal ills. Chief Chukwuma said that he felt it is important to keep supporting the good work the church is doing.

Innoson recognized that the fuel cost impacts negatively on people’s income and businesses, but we must always look for solutions. It is in that mindset that Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company has moved a lot of electric vehicles out so that people should have opportunities to go for cheaper environmentally friendly means of transportation to reduce pollution in our environment.

Chief Innoson donated a heavy sum of money to the Anglican Church. He requested Sir Rob Anwatu (Roban) to present his cheque after he had left the church.


One comment on “CEO Innoson Group graced the Consecration of seven Bishops-elect at St Andrew’s Basilica, Enugu

Dr Louis N Oraka

With the new electric vehicles IVM Co are manufacturing, our country is making waves in vehicle production. May Innoson Group’s CEO continue to be guided, guarded and blessed by the Almighty God.


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