It was a full day’s affair as the family of Chief Gabriel Chukwuma (Nnanyelugo), widely known as Gabros consolidated his daughter’s wedding to Chidi Nwanya earlier in the day at St Cletus Catholic Church with the traditional marriage (Igba nkwu) at Chief Gabros’ house.

The couple, Njideka Rosemary Chukwuma, and her husband, Christian Chidi Nwanya, looked splendid in the rich ensemble they adorned, with romantic gaze trained in each other’s face.

It was indeed a love fest as the couple entertained their guests with their beautiful dance steps.

The uncle to the bride Chief Innoson Chukwuma (Okpuzu Igbo) anchored the event from the brother’s side through the day, with Chief Cletus Ibeto (Omekannaya) prominently showered the couple with love and support. The couple are very close the business titan.

The traditional marriage was witnessed by people from all works of life who were treated to various delicacies and choice drinks.

The day’s climax came with the traditional blessing of the couple (igo ofo) by the bride’s father, Chief Gabros Chukwuma. He used the opportunity to extend the blessings beyond the couple to his guests and inlaws, the Nwanya family of Otolo Nnewi.