The Committee of Friends (COF) Nnewi formally extended congratulations to the CMD, NAUTH, Dr. Joe Ugboaja, for his recent appointment as the chief medical director Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi.

The COF felt particularly happy that one of its members was so honored to be elevated to such a lofty position. The COF thought it was a place of honor that Ugboaja (Ochinanwata) was elevated to the position, but to achieve same at a relatively, younger age.

The COF was mindful of the promises Dr. Ugboaja made to them when he canvassed for support, which amongst were the restoration of faith between the patients and caregivers, develop NAUTH to a first-class teaching hospital, and raise the morale of the staff, etc.

For the great feat he achieved in mounting the saddle of leadership at NAUTH, the COF sent him formal congratulations while urging him to strive for more achievement.

The secretary of COF, Mr. Lonely, read the congratulatory letter to the CMD NAUTH, harping on the need that “…to whom much is given, much is very much expected.”
“Please, kindly know that we, who are your friends in progress, will appreciate it very much if you would intensify efforts to address the shortcomings in your establishment positively.”
“We hope that the patients that patronize the hospital will enjoy a pleasant experience” with you at the helm of affairs.
The COF reiterate readiness to always support you in any way that would help you advance progress at the NAUTH, Nnewi.
The President of COF, with the support of the members, presented the CMD with a ram. The President reminded all present that it is a gift that is normally reserved for warriors.
The CMD, in response, recalled how the journey began and the early support the COF members gave him, which also helped to cement the backing he enjoys from Chief Dr. Innocent Chukwuma today.
That indeed, “less than two weeks into the acting position as CMD that he moved the operations of the hospital to the permanent site”.
He had since remained focused on creating the enabling environment for the institution to take its rightful place among its peers.
Dr. Ugboaja also recognizes that the staff attitude to work and relationship with the patients have improved tremendously.
Chief Dr Innoson Chukwuma thanked God that the CMD has stepped out with the right foot. He expressed happiness that Dr. Ugboaja is ready to serve and change the face of the NAUTH.
Chief Innocent Chukwuma and the wife, Lady Ebele hosted the COF and the CMD’s entourage from the hospital.