Sunday, 08 September, 2024


Mkpuru Mmiri: NBA sensitises students on dangers of drug abuse

Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) Nsukka branch has sensitised secondary school students in the area against consuming Methamphetamine popularly called ‘Mkpuru Mmiri’ in South East and other illicit drugs.

The association gave the advice  in Nsukka on Wednesday during a sensitisation lecture for Secondary Schools in the area titled  “Avoid Drug Abuse to Stay Alive” as part of activities to mark its 2021 NBA Law  Week.

Mr Tommy Akpan, the Assistant Commander Narcotic, Nsukka Area Command, Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) who delivered the lecture advised students to stay away from drug abuse to avoid  untimely death, madness and other adverse effects associated with it.

He said that illicit drugs like cocaine,  Cannabis,  heroine, Tramadol, Codien and ‘Mkpuru Mmiri,’ has send many youths to the early grave.

“Do not attempt to experiment on any of these drugs as their consequences are deadly.

“If you have any relation or friend who takes any of these drugs stop going closer to such person so that he or she will not lure you into drug abuse.“

Do us a favour by reporting such person to NDLEA, the agency will treat every information provided in confidence by not disclosing your identity “he said.

He urged students to share the knowledge of what they learnt in the lecture on the adverse effects of illicit drugs with their fellow students and family members.

“Take this massage of staying away from illicit drugs to your fellow students and family members  so that they will stay alive and will not be victims of drug abuse.

“Many people especially youths in the country have destroyed their lives because of drug abuse,” he said.

In a remark Mr Ugo Ukwueze the Chairman of NBA Nsukka branch  said the branch organized the lecture for Secondary schools students because of havoc drug abuse had caused among youths in the country.

Ukwueze  said  that Methamphetamine is the drug presently rendering youths in the country useless.

“I know this lecture will open the eyes of students decided   so that they will  not be victims of drug abuse.

“We know that with this lecture, students and their teachers present here today will take this massage of say no to drug abuse to their schools and families,” he said.

The NBA chairman commended Prof Anselm Onyimonyi the Chairman of 2021 Nsukka  Law Week and his committee members for job well done as well as Akpan from NDLEA for coming to deliver the lecture.

Earlier,  Onyimonyi said the committee decision to sensitise students on dangers of drug abuse was to secure their future as students remain future leaders of any country.

“Presently the drug  that is destroying youths is Crystal Meth, many youths have dropped out of school others have developed mental illness while others have died  as result of this  illicit drug.

“The number of mad people in town and villages are increasing on daily basis because of this dangerous drug,”he said.

“Parents should monitor the activities of their children as well as know the type of friends they keep,” he said.

He urged  traditional rulers, and town union presidents of communities to always try  know the type of business  their community  members were doing so as to report those that sell these hard drugs to appropriate authorities.

The committee chairman expressed appreciation to NBA Nsukka for finding him worthy to chair the law week.

Some students in an interview with Daily Sun said that,  they would resist any attempt by anybody to lure them to take hard drugs now they have known its dangerous consequences and after effects.

They promised to teach their fellow students when they go back to  school what they learnt about adverse effects of drug abuse.

Some secondary schools in the area that attended lecture include: St Catherine Secondary School,  St Cyprian Girls Secondary School,  Nsukka Boys High School and Model Secondary School Nsukka among others.

Credit: Daily Sun


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