Monday, 16 September, 2024


Nnewi Royal Palace mourns Chukwueloka Ubajekwe: The Crown Prince calls him “people’s hero”

His Royal Highness, Igwe Dr. K.O.N Otizu, and his cabinet were saddened that Chukwueloka Ubajekwe lost his life in active service for his town.

Speaking on behalf of His Royal Highness, the Nnewi Crown Prince, Dr. Obi Orizu called the late Eloka, “the people’s hero”.

The Crown Prince extends his heartfelt condolences to his family and the members of Nnewi Vigilante groups.

“It is without question that the late Eloka was a gallant security commander who led from the front”. It is quite apt that upon being alerted some gunmen had invaded a hotel where some young people were resting after their exercise program. The hotel on Amuko, St Marks Anglican Church going towards Nnobi Market.

Dr. Obi Orizu said that Eloka did not die in vain. He noted that Eloka has always been a person dedicated to the service of others. “He was a selfless person that the community can always rely on.” Beyond the security services he rendered, he was an active part of his church, the Crown Prince concluded.

In Another Development

One of the vigilante members who participated in the operation told a different story from what had been touted by most of the people across different platforms. The security person informed Vision Newspapers when the late Eloka did when he received the distress call from the victims.

Eloka invited some cracked vigilante members from Otolo and other areas to join him to ensure that the criminals were challenged to release the person they had taken hostage.

The vigilante officer said that they were in a vehicle convoy chasing after the criminals. He said that Eloka was at the lead of the three-vehicle convoy. Unknown to them, the criminals maneuvered and waited to ambush them. As soon as they approached Nnobi, they opened fire and took out Eloka, and his driver was shot on the leg.

They, who approached pulled up and engaged the criminals while their driver made a U-turn. They exchanged fire for a while and tried to lure them back to Nnewi where a team of mobile policemen were stationed at Authority radio, unfortunately, they had left when they came back.

Meanwhile, he said that their vehicle took a lot of bullets.


One comment on “Nnewi Royal Palace mourns Chukwueloka Ubajekwe: The Crown Prince calls him “people’s hero”

Abaa Nig Jnr.(from Lagos)

May the soul’s of our departed heroes rest in peace Amen.????

Vision Newspaper team and editor’s kudos to you. But you can do better with editing your works before putting it out to the reading public. I come in peace ✌️


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