Pope Francis of the Catholic Church on Thursday ordained a new Maiduguri Catholic Bishop, Rev. Dr John Bogna Bakeni, who is now the 1st Maiduguri Catholic Bishop.
The ordination took place at the Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

Pope Francis who was represented at the event by Rev. Antonio Filipazzi, the Apostolic Nuncio of the Catholic Church, told its members that they must root out seeds of division, and discord among them.
Rev. Filipazzi congratulated the new Bishop for his dedication and commitment to God, urging members to pay allegiance to him in totality.

He said “we Catholics are one family not because we have black ties that unite us. We are one family because we are saved by the one redeemer Jesus Christ, washed by the one baptism marked by the same holy spirit, nourished by the one heavenly bread”.
“Whoever listens to you listens to me, and whoever rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me, rejects the one who sends me.”
“And now, who you have been chosen by the Lord, consider that you are chosen from among men and appointed on their behalf for those things that pertain to God.
“The title of Bishop is one of the services, not of honour and therefore a Bishop should strive to benefit others rather than lord it over them.
“As the church entrusted in you, be a faithful steward, moderator and guardian of the mysteries of Christ. As one chosen by the Father to rule over his family, be mindful always of the Good Shepard, who knows his sheep and is known by them, and who did not hesitate to lay down his life for them.
“With the charity of the father and brother, live all who God places in your care, especially, the priests and deacons, your co-workers in the ministry of Christ, but also the poor and the weak, immigrants and strangers.”
While urging the new Bishop to ensure material growth of the church and members, he, however, reminded him that spiritual growth is the most critical in the diocese.
Credit: Nigerian Tribune