Monday, 16 September, 2024


Russia To Upgrade & Up-Gun All Its Warships As Ukraine’s Deadly Sea Drones Haunt Its Navy

Two more attacks by unmanned kamikaze sea drones on July 16 and 17 in the northern Black Sea and the Kerch Bridge, allegedly by Ukraine, have raised alarms in the Russian Navy, which has planned to upgrade all its vessels. 

After the sixth maritime attack since October last year, the Russian government has now also withdrawn from the Black Sea Grain Initiative. The four-party agreement between Moscow, Ukraine, Turkey, and the United Nations (UN) allows food grain exports from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.  

A report in Izvestia identified “additional electronic warfare stations and special firing points” on the ships for more protection from the perennial threat of sea drones. Ukraine has officially publicized since last year after acquiring them under the United24 crowdfunding program. 

Credit: The Eur Asian Times


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