Monday, 16 September, 2024


Sharia Court Orders Controversial TikTok Influencer Murja Held In Custody For Alleged Indecency

A Sharia court in Kano has ordered the remand of notorious TikTok influencer, Murja Ibrahim Kunya at the Kurmawa Correctional Facility pending hearing of charges against her.

The Kano Hisbah Board arrested Murja on Tuesday morning at her Hotoro residence after weeks of pursuit. She is accused of being a public nuisance, indecency and attempting to lure girls into prostitution.

Reports indicate Murja denied all allegations when she appeared before the court. The case comes up for hearing again on February 27th.

This latest run-in with authorities is Murja’s second. She was briefly jailed last February over controversial social media content before being handed a lighter community service sentence.

Her recent TikTok video provoked public uproar after boasting of controlling Kano prostitutes and forcing them to bow to her. This prompted numerous complaints to Hisbah from residents worried about her influence on youths.

Apart from Murja, the Islamic police also have warrants out for other TikTokers – G-Fresh, Maiwushirya, Ummee Shakira and Hassan Makeup. They are wanted on similar charges of indecency and corrupting minors.

Credit: The Nigeria Lawyer


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