Sunday, 23 March, 2025



The Apostle of New Covenant of God and Presiding Archbishop of Masterseed College Of Bishops and Ministers Network USA and Nigeria, ArchBishop Prof Emmadavid Okafoagu JP2, has sensationally revealed that the anger of God will continue to ravage Nigeria unless the needful is done. Speaking with Don Peter Okoro last Sunday after the church service, the outspoken man of God said this concerning the state of the nation: “Just as I have been saying for years, spiritually and physically, the anger of God is upon Nigeria.

You can see the murders, the detentions, the wrong judgements, the intimidations, the bribery and corruption going on. Things are not going well because of the anger of God. There seems to be no end to the crisis.”

On the possibility of a respite in the 2027 election, he offered: “Things will continue like this because all the other political parties that are planning to remove the incumbent party are not well positioned spiritually to do so, as of today. They are not spiritually organized to take over from the present government.”

On the solution to the problems, he said: ” I advocate that Nigerians should stop looking up to the government and start looking up to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and pray fervently. They should forget about yesterday and make a firm decision and determination to amend the situation in the country and everyone should take responsibility.”

On calls from certain quarters for a Revolution, he posts: “Revolution is not mere rhetorics. The question is who will take action and champion it.Nigerians are very good at accepting every condition and easily adapt to any situation.The Leaders also know how to quel any civil unrest. Revolution has worked in other climes, but it’s going to be very difficult to work in Nigeria.”

On his words of advice to the masses, he replied: “I’m reminding Nigerians that the God of faith is still on the throne and the change they are expecting will come. How it will come will be a thing of surprise to the people who are ruling and the people who are being ruled.”

The Archbishop refused to give a word of advice to the President saying: “The President doesn’t need my advice, because he has his own advisers and I don’t think he believes that my advice physically or spiritually will add anything to their own wisdom.”

On Anambra upcoming 2025 Election, he stated thus: “God is healing Anambra State. Let the parties not take Anambra State for granted. There’s still a spiritual war going on about who will take over between the old and the new parties. Until this war is over we cannot say who or which party will take over Anambra State.”

Asked to assess the Soludo’s Administration, he submitted: “The Government of Soludo is doing fairly well, but we can see that vultures within and outside the state are doing everything to ruin Anambra State. By the grace of God, he is swimming against the tide and I’m optimistic that he will swim out eventually. Until he successfully swims out, we have nothing much to say.” He called on Anambrarians not to focus too much on the forthcoming election, but to pray for their kits and kins who are scattered, detained, displaced and banished from their farms.

In his words: “Let us focus on how God will restore peace and unity among the populace.” On issues that are bothering him in Nigeria, he answered: “Religion has a very big role to play in Nigerian politics. And I advice the good and the bad politicians to stop using charms, enchantments, ritual sacrifices and other diabolical means to contest and win elections. They should look unto God and put their faith in God. The more they kill, detain and destroy people, so that their voices would not be heard, the more the anger of God comes upon them. The worst is that, sometimes, God brings the punishment on everybody including those who didn’t participate in the crime.”


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