Tuesday, 11 March, 2025


UNN’s waste gasification Plant is solution to national electricity crisis, says Prof Ejiogu

7th April : 1.02%FullscreenFrom Felix Ikem, Nsukka

Prof. Emenike Ejiogu of Electrical Engineering Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has said that the institution’s waste gasification plant could be the perfect and dependable solution to Nigeria’s power crises if given the needed support for massive production.Ejiogu said this in Nsukka on Thursday while reacting to recent national grid collapse which occurred two times under 48 hours space of time that has resulted in blackout in some parts of the country.He said that the waste gasification plant has the capacity to generate power close to where it is intended to be distributed stressing that over dependence on national grid for electricity supply which has not been steady without alternative energy system has grossly affected production capacity of organisations as well as the country’s economy.According to him, “with the current epileptic power supply in the country occasioned by the recent collapse of the national grid, this is time to give proper attention to alternative power source.“Here in UNN we have best and alternative solution to power supply that would save organizations from the huge financial burden it incurs subscribing to national grid.“Our designed gasification plant converts solid wastes into gas, just like the refineries which turns crude oil into petrol and other products, what we need is fund to mass produce it.“Organizations can comfortably depend and run on it, what is required is to change the already existing diesel generators modify them to run on gas and it will serve as mini-grid.“Depending on public power supply alon has negatively impact on production outputs and services of organisation in Nigeria, which as well have affected the national economy because some organisation can no longer operate under the epileptic power supply with price of diesel always on a high side,” he said.Explaining further Ejiogu maintained that the power generated from the organic wastes would form part of energy mix in the country stating that two serving ministers had visited the university to see and inspect the plant.“Other power sources like national grid, solar will be there, but the refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant will provide energy mix which would be more cheaper and beneficial than the others.“With the plant we can comfortably generate and supply power into any area where it is needed. Again it would equally help to clean up the environment as well as create massive employment along the value chains of the power generation.“Last year, Minister of State for Power, Mr Goddy Agba and his counterpart in Ministry of Science and Technology Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu visited UNN on a separate occasions to inspect the plant.“They were both satisfied after we demonstrated to them how the plant functions. They promised that they would present it for discussion at the national executive council meeting for support,” he said.It would be recalled that UNN had in March 2019 through Prof Ejiogu and his research team, an engineering-based multidisciplinary researchers, known as “Laboratory of Industrial Electronics, Power Devices and New Energy Systems (LIEPNES),”stunned the nation when the university announced the breakthrough of fabrication and inauguration of 100KVA waste gasification plant.The refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant was designed and fabricated with 100 per cent local content, it converts organic solid materials into synthetic gas for electric power generation and other uses.Again, in April 2021 the research group fabricated an upgraded of the plant to 500KVA which equally received commendation across the country.

Ajiri Daniels

Sun News Online Team

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UNN’s waste gasification Plant is solution to national electricity crisis, says Prof Ejiogu

7th April 20220SHARESPlayUnmuteLoaded: 1.02%FullscreenFrom Felix Ikem, NsukkaProf. Emenike Ejiogu of Electrical Engineering Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has said that the institution’s waste gasification plant could be the perfect and dependable solution to Nigeria’s power crises if given the needed support for massive production.Ejiogu said this in Nsukka on Thursday while reacting to recent national grid collapse which occurred two times under 48 hours space of time that has resulted in blackout in some parts of the country.He said that the waste gasification plant has the capacity to generate power close to where it is intended to be distributed stressing that over dependence on national grid for electricity supply which has not been steady without alternative energy system has grossly affected production capacity of organisations as well as the country’s economy.According to him, “with the current epileptic power supply in the country occasioned by the recent collapse of the national grid, this is time to give proper attention to alternative power source.“Here in UNN we have best and alternative solution to power supply that would save organizations from the huge financial burden it incurs subscribing to national grid.“Our designed gasification plant converts solid wastes into gas, just like the refineries which turns crude oil into petrol and other products, what we need is fund to mass produce it.“Organizations can comfortably depend and run on it, what is required is to change the already existing diesel generators modify them to run on gas and it will serve as mini-grid.“Depending on public power supply alon has negatively impact on production outputs and services of organisation in Nigeria, which as well have affected the national economy because some organisation can no longer operate under the epileptic power supply with price of diesel always on a high side,” he said.Explaining further Ejiogu maintained that the power generated from the organic wastes would form part of energy mix in the country stating that two serving ministers had visited the university to see and inspect the plant.“Other power sources like national grid, solar will be there, but the refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant will provide energy mix which would be more cheaper and beneficial than the others.“With the plant we can comfortably generate and supply power into any area where it is needed. Again it would equally help to clean up the environment as well as create massive employment along the value chains of the power generation.“Last year, Minister of State for Power, Mr Goddy Agba and his counterpart in Ministry of Science and Technology Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu visited UNN on a separate occasions to inspect the plant.“They were both satisfied after we demonstrated to them how the plant functions. They promised that they would present it for discussion at the national executive council meeting for support,” he said.It would be recalled that UNN had in March 2019 through Prof Ejiogu and his research team, an engineering-based multidisciplinary researchers, known as “Laboratory of Industrial Electronics, Power Devices and New Energy Systems (LIEPNES),”stunned the nation when the university announced the breakthrough of fabrication and inauguration of 100KVA waste gasification plant.The refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant was designed and fabricated with 100 per cent local content, it converts organic solid materials into synthetic gas for electric power generation and other uses.Again, in April 2021 the research group fabricated an upgraded of the plant to 500KVA which equally received commendation across the country.

Ajiri Daniels

Ajiri Daniels

Sun News Online Team

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Home Education Review
UNN’s waste gasification Plant is solution to national electricity crisis, says Prof Ejiogu
7th April 2022
UNN’s waste gasification Plant is solution to national electricity crisis, says Prof Ejiogu
From Felix Ikem, Nsukka
Prof. Emenike Ejiogu of Electrical Engineering Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has said that the institution’s waste gasification plant could be the perfect and dependable solution to Nigeria’s power crises if given the needed support for massive production.
Ejiogu said this in Nsukka on Thursday while reacting to recent national grid collapse which occurred two times under 48 hours space of time that has resulted in blackout in some parts of the country.
He said that the waste gasification plant has the capacity to generate power close to where it is intended to be distributed stressing that over dependence on national grid for electricity supply which has not been steady without alternative energy system has grossly affected production capacity of organisations as well as the country’s economy.
According to him, “with the current epileptic power supply in the country occasioned by the recent collapse of the national grid, this is time to give proper attention to alternative power source.
“Here in UNN we have best and alternative solution to power supply that would save organizations from the huge financial burden it incurs subscribing to national grid.
“Our designed gasification plant converts solid wastes into gas, just like the refineries which turns crude oil into petrol and other products, what we need is fund to mass produce it.
“Organizations can comfortably depend and run on it, what is required is to change the already existing diesel generators modify them to run on gas and it will serve as mini-grid.
“Depending on public power supply alon has negatively impact on production outputs and services of organisation in Nigeria, which as well have affected the national economy because some organisation can no longer operate under the epileptic power supply with price of diesel always on a high side,” he said.
Explaining further Ejiogu maintained that the power generated from the organic wastes would form part of energy mix in the country stating that two serving ministers had visited the university to see and inspect the plant.
“Other power sources like national grid, solar will be there, but the refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant will provide energy mix which would be more cheaper and beneficial than the others.
“With the plant we can comfortably generate and supply power into any area where it is needed. Again it would equally help to clean up the environment as well as create massive employment along the value chains of the power generation.
“Last year, Minister of State for Power, Mr Goddy Agba and his counterpart in Ministry of Science and Technology Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu visited UNN on a separate occasions to inspect the plant.
“They were both satisfied after we demonstrated to them how the plant functions. They promised that they would present it for discussion at the national executive council meeting for support,” he said.
It would be recalled that UNN had in March 2019 through Prof Ejiogu and his research team, an engineering-based multidisciplinary researchers, known as “Laboratory of Industrial Electronics, Power Devices and New Energy Systems (LIEPNES),”stunned the nation when the university announced the breakthrough of fabrication and inauguration of 100KVA waste gasification plant.
The refuse-derived-fuel gasification plant was designed and fabricated with 100 per cent local content, it converts organic solid materials into synthetic gas for electric power generation and other uses.
Again, in April 2021 the research group fabricated an upgraded of the plant to 500KVA which equally received commendation across the country.
Ajiri Daniels
Ajiri Daniels
Sun News Online Team

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