Maryland’s driver’s permit knowledge test, and its study materials, will soon be offered in nine more languages, including Yoruba, bringing the total for each to 17 languages.
Getting a learner’s permit is the first step to getting a driver’s license in the state. https://d4ce2ed4fd1c3aa0d75bc6e6df6acea6.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-40/html/container.html

The new languages offered are Yoruba (West Africa), Tagalog, Amharic (Afro-Asiatic language), Arabic, Russian, Urdu, Hindi, Farsi, Portuguese and American Sign Language
The new language offerings were determined with U.S. Census data.

“Improving accessibility for the driver’s knowledge test and study materials is critical to serve Maryland’s linguistically diverse population,” said Motor Vehicle Administrator Chrissy Nizer.
The current languages offered include English, Spanish, French, Nepali, Korean, traditional Chinese and Vietnamese.
Credit: Vanguard News Nigeria