Saturday, 27 July, 2024



My dear Staff of NAUTH

  1. I bring you greetings on this occasion of our 61st Independence day celebration. I thank God for keeping all of us alive to witness this year’s celebration. To Him be all glory and adoration.
  2. There is no doubt that this is a trying period for all of us in view of the current security challenges in the state. I therefore, call on all of us to be extra vigilant and more security conscious. The management will do all within its powers to ensure that the hospital is secured and safe for us. I am confident that none of us will be victims of this season, in Jesus name, Amen!
  3. With the contest for the CMD position behind us, I enjoin all of us to key into the new vision of making NAUTH rank among the top 5 Health institutions in the country. It is a task we must all work together to achieve, so that history and posterity will be kind to us. I promise to always provide the leadership needed to sufficiently mobilize and inspire us to work for the attainment of this our collective goal.
  4. As I have always assured you, Staff welfare and motivation remain top priority for our administration and I won’t leave any stone unturned to ensure that our staff are among the best available in the country with the required level of Training, motivation, job satisfaction and ultimately, self fulfilment.
  5. Our quest for infrastrucutral development especially at the permanent site remains very much on track. The Road constructions, landscaping, Virology laboratory, Standard treatment center and the various other projects are all going on satisfactorily. We will soon pack into our new Accident & Emergency building and also the new ICU and labour ward.
  6. I appreciate all of you for the support and encouragement I have recieved so far and i pledge to continue to make you proud by working assiduously to achieve our dream of having a world class hospital where all of us will be happy with the work environment, the patients are satified with quality of services they receive and the stakeholders are also happy to continue to identify with, and support us.
  7. As the processes for the Conversion exercise has begun, be assured that you will all be happy with the outcome. It is my utmost desire and wish to always put smiles on your faces.
  8. Once again, I want to thank all of you for your sacrifices, efforts and prayers to ensure that NAUTH ranks among the top health institutions in the country.
    I thank most profusely, the Board of management led by our able and indefatigable Chairman, Chief Ezekiel I Afukonyo and the management staff especially my Deputy, Dr Ezejiofor Ogochukwu for their support in making sure that the Hospital is taken to the next level. May God bless all of us, protect us and grant our heart desires both now and always, in Jesus name, Amen!

Long live NAUTH!
Long live Anambra State!
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

Dr Joseph Ugboaja O
Chief Medical Director, NAUTH



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