Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Anambra 2021: Valentine Ozigbo Urges PDP Delegates To See June 26 As A Date With History


Valentine Ozigbo, a leading PeoplesAnambra 2021: Valentine Ozigbo Urges PDP Delegates To See June 26 As A Date With History Democratic Party (PDP) aspirant in the Anambra governorship election scheduled for November 6, 2021, has urged PDP delegates, stakeholders, and members to see the June 26th date for the party primaries as a date with history.

In a statement issued on Saturday, February 20, 2021, Mr. Ozigbo asserted that the delegates of the party in the state should view the primaries as the first step towards redirecting Anambra State towards its destined greatness.

According to the respected business leader, June 26 should be regarded as a day that will not only determine the outcome of the Anambra 2021 election but will define the socioeconomic trajectory of the state and the future of the next generation.

He urged the delegates to learn lessons from the past and focus on selecting a candidate who is competent, has the right dose of emotional intelligence to unite the party, and can mobilize men and resources to win the general election.

“On June 26, our delegates will take on the onerous task of selecting our party’s flag bearer for Anambra 2021 election. As they carry out this most important job, I urge them all to do some soul searching in order to appreciate the weight and importance of this responsibility,” Ozigbo remarked.

“We, as a political party, should learn from our previous mistakes. We have been out of power for about 16 years now in Anambra. From the political realities on the ground, we are remarkably close to Agu Awka and we should not let this golden opportunity slip off our fingers.

“To seize the day, we need to put our best foot forward. Ndi Anambra are wiser, politically conscious, and ready for a new dawn. This is not to time for decisions driven by retrogressive emotions. Let us show the people our readiness to change their fortunes,” the prominent philanthropist added.

Ozigbo, who is the immediate past President and Group CEO of Transcorp Plc, also beseeched the national leadership of the party to work with the party’s structure in the state to ensure that the primaries are free, fair, and in compliance with the constitution of the PDP.

“If recent history is taken into consideration, PDP has held some of the most transparent primaries and Anambra State should not be an exception. I am confident that the leadership at the party at the national and state level will synergize to ensure that the right person is selected to fly the flag,” Ozigbo said.

The Peoples Democratic Party recently announced Saturday, June 26, 2021 as the date for primary elections ahead of the November 6 governorship polls.


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