Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Breaking News!! Abba Youth Blocked the Road Leading to the Onitsha Enugu Express Way: Motorists are stranded

Road users moving from old Onitsha Enugu road via Ukpo in Dunukofia LGA to the Onitsha Enugu Express road would have to deal with a great surprise.

Motorists were surprised to run into a fierce road block mounted by very angry Abba youth, we were informed.

The people who were moving to the Onitsha Enugu Express had to stop about half a kilometer from the center of the action to observe from there. The unfortunate biker who tried to circumvent the roadblock had his motorbike set on fire.

The youths we were informed have vowed that they will never give up their land which they claimed the Ukpo-born billionaire influenced the judiciary to cede to Ukpo.

Stay tuned…


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