Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Ortom has been grossly misunderstood – Tor Tiv

Unongo calls on President to listen to Ortom without bias

The Paramount Ruler of the Tiv Nation, Tor Tiv, HRM Prof James Ayatse, has stated that the outcry of the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, has been grossly misunderstood by the federal government for political reasons.

The Tor Tiv stated this at the stakeholders’ meeting held at the Government House in Makurdi on Monday who lamented the degenerating level of security in the country to rather called on the government to critically look at all that the governor has been saying and address them accordingly.

Governor Ortom had gathered all stakeholders together to brief them on pressings issues affecting the state and to get their views on those issues.

‘I am saddened by the political dimension your outcry has taken. I think all you have been saying is to state the fact but this has been misunderstood may be because you’re in a different political party.

‘As long as this security challenge is affecting all of us, I don’t expect anybody to want you to keep quiet. So, I believe what needs to be done is to look at those things you have been saying and address them,’ he said.

While positing that the governor had never been abusive in his call on President Muhammadu Buhari to address the nagging insecurity in the country, maintained that many people had said worse things in the past and have been spared.

He however suggested that a group of elders should be nominated to approach the president with a view to explaining the matter to him in a manner that he would understand.

‘You have not been abusive as far as I know. I know you have been very passionate about the President. A lot of people have said things that are even worse.

‘I will suggest that if it’s appropriate, maybe we would look for elders who will interpret all you are saying to the President. It’s unfortunate that people read political meanings to all you’re saying. I think you’re doing your duty and we have to support you.

‘I commend you for your effort in supporting the security agencies in the state. What needs to be done should be done speedily,’ the Tor Tiv said.

Also speaking, Second Republic Minister of Power and Steel Paul Unongo urged the president to listen to what Ortom is saying without bias stressing that he is only doing what every man with the thoughts of his people at heart will do.

‘The best thing is for Mr President to listen to Ortom without a biased mind. Those who are trying to paint Ortom bad before the president are really doing him more damage.

The former Chairman of Northern Elders Forum (NEF) dispelled insinuation at some quarters that Governor Ortom was engaging the President with the intention to drive politics in the state.

While noting that both President Buhari and Governor Ortom are constitutional creations, the elder statesman said it will only paint a dictatorial tone if the president opts for intimidation and blackmail, instead of setting aside bias and listening to what the governor is saying.

‘I will advise those who are painting the picture that Ortom is fighting a personal or political war with the president to desist forthwith,’ he stated.

Senator Orke Jev, speaking on behalf of the senators, stated that ‘in the fullness of time, the benefits of the moment will pass away and we will hand over such people to posterity.’


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