Saturday, 27 July, 2024


The countries with the most politicians named in the Pandora Papers

Driving the news: Ukraine is the country with the highest number of politicians named in the leak of offshore data, which implicates hundreds of people linked to offshore companies — including President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Context: Zelensky had campaigned on cleaning up Ukraine’s oligarch-dominated system. He’d pushed to set himself apart from politicians like incumbent Petro Poroshenko, who hid offshore assets, the Guardian notes.

  • But the Pandora Papers revealed that Zelensky was involved with a network of offshore companies, which he co-owned with friends and business partners.

Our thought bubble, via Axios’ Dave Lawler: Zelensky is one of several politicians who campaigned on anti-corruption platforms — others include Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan — who will now be facing questions over undisclosed wealth tied to them or their close associates.

By the numbers: Ukraine leads with 38 politicians named in the Pandora Papers. The top five are …

  • Ukraine: 38
  • Russia: 19
  • Honduras: 11
  • United Arab Emirates: 11
  • Nigeria: 10

Credit: Yahoo News


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