Saturday, 27 July, 2024


‘Igbo traders need govt support to bounce back’

An appeal has gone to Lagos State government to lend support to Igbo traders to enable them bounce back after the huge
losses suffered in the midst of Coronavirus lockdown.
President of Imo State Town Associations in Lagos (ISTDAL), Agu Chris Ekeoch, in a statement said Igbo traders were
the worst hit by the economic effects of Coronavirus pandemic.
“If government fails to come to the aid of these traders, most
of them risk going out of business. My appeal to the Lagos state
government is to find a way of helping these traders. Giving
them tax rebates would go a long way. These are people that
have been contributing to the economic growth and development of Lagos state…leaving them in the lush at these very trying period wouldn’t be the best.

Credit: The Sun


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