Tuesday, 04 March, 2025


Notice of constitutional grievances, declaration of constitutional force majeure and demand for transitioning process for an orderly reconfiguration of the constitutional basis of the Federation of Nigeria

(Being the Joint Proclamation of a Sovereignty Dispute by Accredited Delegates of Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities of the Southern and Middle Belt Territories of Nigeria, Issued This 16th Day of December 2020 in Lagos).

This Proclamation is Titled:CORRECTING THE MISTAKE OF 1914


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press 

(1) As the Distressed Federation of Nigeria wobbles in what seems it’s Terminal Throes; As Young Nigerians Rise up Massively in Revolt against System that Ruin their Present and Compromise their Future and as Bloody Conflicts rage in all parts of Nigeria in disputation of the Terms of the Distressed Nigerian Union; and As Concerns mount in the International Community, first, regarding the shaky Future of the Troubled Nigerian Federation, and second, the impact of a possible disorderly Dissolution of Nigeria over the West African Sub-Region, the rest of Africa and indeed the World.

We gather here this day as Accredited Delegates of the Constituent Component Nationalities of Nigeria, under the aegis of : “Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination”, being a Joint-Cooperation Framework for the Self-Determination Initiatives of the Southern and Middle-Belt of Nigeria on behalf of our Various Peoples and Interests, to Pronounce  an end to our toleration of Nigeria’s Unitary Constitutional Order, Unilaterally Imposed and Forcefully Maintained by a Section of the Nigerian Country, in negation of the Federal Basis Upon which Nigeria became one Political Union at Independence in 1960 and in brutal Subjugation of our Collective Sovereignties currently being Forcefully and Fraudulently appropriated by the Nigerian State.

We gather here today before the Global Community, to Formally Proclaim a Sovereignty Dispute in Rejection of the Further Operation of the Imposed, Unity Constitutional Arrangements of Nigeria and in Assertion of our Inalienable Right to Self-Determination.

(2) The History of the Colonial beginnings of Nigeria as a Commercial Venture of Britain is too well-known to admit of any further repetitions here but suffice it to recall:

(i) That the manipulations that went into the Flawed Foundations laid by the British in the 1914 Amalgamation of the Protectorates of Southern Nigeria with the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, (as revealed in recently Declassified British Colonial Records on Nigeria), created a lopsided Union, locking the Diverse Peoples of Nigeria  into one Political Union with two mortally opposed Civilizations.;

(ii) That as Independence approached in 1960, the Diversities of the Various Peoples of the Nigerian Union Dictated the Adoption of the Federal Constitutional Model  by the then three largely Autonomous Regions, (namely Eastern, Western and Northern Regions of Nigeria) as the Basis of entering  Into Independence as one Political Union in 1960.

(iii) That amidst the early strains of Post-Independence Nigeria arising mainly from the aforementioned Foundational and Pre-Independence manipulations by the British Colonial Rulers of the Nigerian Union, the Military Coups of 1966 Truncated the Federal Constitutional Basis of Nigeria and plunged the fledgling Union into a catastrophic 30-Month War with it’s Breakaway Eastern Region between 1967 and 1970, triggered by disputations around the Terms  of the Nigerian Union and leaving in its trail, human carnage in excess of 3million People and a fractured Union now resting on an Unworkable Unitary Constitutional Order Imposed in 1979, by the Fiat of the illicit “Federal Government” which emerged since the 1966 Collapse of the Federation of Nigeria, Forcefully Hijacking and Confiscating the  Sovereignties of the Constituent Component Regions of Nigeria that Federated their Sovereignties in 1960.

(iv) That the Prevailing 1999 Constitution of Nigeria which was a wholesale adoption of the 1979 edition via Decree No.24 of 1999, revalidated and reinforced the aforementioned Hijack and Confiscation of the Sovereignties, Powers and Assets of the Four Erstwhile Federating Regions by the aforementioned Illicit “Federal Government of Nigeria” which by Decrees, fractured the Four Regions into 36 States, that are completely emasculated by a 68-Item Federal Exclusive Legislative List that Comprehensively strip the “Federating” States of All Key Economic Assets and Governmental Powers, thereby creating a totally dysfunctional, Corruption-Prone, Over-Centralized  System that has failed in every respect, manifesting in Gross Insecurity, Decayed Infrastructure and Mass Impoverishment such that Nigeria, with its Vast Human and Material Resource Endowments, has now emerged as the Poverty Capital of the World as well as the Global Leading  Example of a Failed State.

(v) There is a Countrywide Consensus against the Unitary Constitutional Arrangements Imposed incrementally on Nigeria by a combination of Guile, Brute Force and Impunity between 1966 and 1999 now codified by the 1999 Constitution. This Countrywide Consensus had manifested in Several Unilateral Regional and Joint Multi-Regional Actions in Repudiation and Rejection of the Unitary 1999 Constitution of Nigeria:

(a) The first indication was when in year 2000, the 12 Contiguous States of the Far North, Simultaneously Imposed and began to implement Sharia in their Domains against the express provision of the 1999 Constitution which in Section 10, forbids the Adoption of any State Religion. This Translates to a Unilateral Secession from the Secular Union of Nigeria.

(b) Between 2005 and 2006,  a Sovereign Conference of the Ethnic Nationalities of Nigeria, Convened by the Pro-National Conference Organizations (PRONACO), Deliberated exhaustively and produced A Draft Peoples’ Constitution 2006 which had the Potential of restoring Nigeria to it’s damaged Federal Foundations. Though Ignored by successive Federal Governments in Nigeria, that Draft became the New Federating Consensus against the Prevailing Unitary Constitutional Order in Nigeria. It will be recalled that prior to the 1999 return to Civil Rule in Nigeria and before PRONACO, there was NADECO which vigorously challenged both the aberration of Military Governance in Nigeria and Nigeria’s Unitarized Federalism imposed by Military Decrees.

(c) As a way of easing out the Rejected Unitary Constitutional Order and paving the way for the emergence of a New Federating Consensus, the Conveners of PRONACO, aggregating under the aegis of the Movement for New Nigeria, MNN, (being an Alliance of the Regional Self-Determination Initiatives of the South and the Middle Belt Territories of Nigeria, hereinafter called “the Alliance”), in May of 2007, instituted a Lawsuit at the Federal High Court in Abuja, challenging the Legitimacy of the 1999 Constitution on the Grounds of Fraud and Forgery and sought an Order of Court for the Termination of the Operation of the 1999 Constitution via an 18-Month Transitioning Arrangement.

(d) The  MNN Alliance by it’s MNN LAGOS DECLARATION OF JUNE 30, 2011 (http://goo.gl/dLVIHR ) Jointly Repudiated the 1999 Constitution as the Basis of the Nigerian Federation and Mandated the Alliance Blocs to Distill  their various Regional Charters and Constitutional  Drafts in readiness for the Inevitable Fundamental Reconfiguration of the Distressed Nigerian Federation, to be Ratified by Referendums and Plebiscites. We hereby adopt and incorporate the said MNN LAGOS DECLARATION OF JUNE 30, 2011 in support of this Proclamation.

(e) Pursuant to the Mandates of the MNN LAGOS DECLARATION OF JUNE 30, 2011, the Regional Blocs of the MNN Alliance Convened their Various REGIONAL SOLEMN ASSEMBLIES between 2015 and 2018 namely, the April 27, 2015 Solemn Assembly of the Peoples of the Lower Niger in Port Harcourt, (ie South-East and South-South); the September 7, 2017 Yoruba Summit in Ibadan and the July 18, 2018 Emergency Assembly of the Peoples of the Middle-Belt in Makurdi. Each of these Regional Solemn Assemblies Formally Repudiated and Rejected the 1999 Constitution as the Basis of the Nigerian Federation, and we hereby endorse, adopt and Incorporate the Resolutions reached by each.

(f) Having each Rejected the 1999 Constitution as the Basis of the Nigerian Federation, and in the face of the ferocious but Coordinated Ethnic Cleansing Onslaught of the Murderous Fulani Militia against the Indigenous Peoples of Nigeria, the MNN Alliance Mobilized the Peoples of the Alliance Territories under the aegis of the Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination to issue the Joint Multi-Regional FREEDOM PARK PROCLAMATION of December 11, 2018 (https://bit.ly/3mkPFNv) by which the Alliance Territories Rejected the conduct of further National Elections Mandated by the Repudiated 1999 Constitution and Demanded a Transitioning in place of the largely doomed 2019 National Elections, as a way of putting a time-frame to the Termination of the Operation of the 1999 Constitution and the Distillation of Successor Constitutional Protocols. The said FREEDOM PARK PROCLAMATION of December 11, 2018 is hereby Adopted and Incorporated in support of this present Proclamation.

(g) It is pertinent to note that across all the Regions of Nigeria, various Socio-Cultural and Ethnic-Interests Vanguard Organizations have also been vehement in expressing the Constitutional Grievances of their own People, (some even violently),  thus on the Yoruba side, we have the Afenifere, the Yoruba Elders Council (YCE), Agbekoya, the Yoruba Liberation Command, (YOLICOM), YWC and many more including the ILANA OMO OODUAwhich now aggregates Several Yoruba Self-Determination Initiatives across the World. In the Eastern part of Southern Nigeria, we have Ohanaeze, Movement for the Survival of the Ijaw Ethnic Nationality in the Niger Delta (MOSIEND); Ijaw National Congress, (INC); Ijaw Youth Council (IYC);  PANDEF, Midwest Movement, the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer  Force, (NDPVF), MEND, MASSOB, IPOB, others. In the Middle-Belt, we have the Middle-Belt Forum, (MBF), MBC, SOKAPU, CONAECDA and many others. Several notable Statesmen in Nigeria including Generals Olusegun Obasanjo and Yakubu Gowon, both (former Heads of State) have lent their voices to the urgent imperative of the Fundamental Reworking of the Damaged Constitutional Basis of Nigeria, warning that any further delay may lead to the catastrophic collapse of the Distressed Nigerian Union. Nigeria’s Former Defence Minister, Lt. Gen Theophilus Danjuma, had also urged the Indigenous Peoples of Nigeria facing the Ethnic Cleansing Onslaught of the Murderous Fulani invaders to Defend themselves and their lands in the face of obvious collusion of the Federal Government of Nigeria and its Armed Forces with the Fulani invaders. In the aftermath of the October 2020 EndSARS Protests many, including the Nigerian Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) now insist that Nigeria needs to be Renegotiated.

(h) Between January and July of 2019, a Delegation of the Alliance Territories engaged the International Community especially Stakeholder-Institutions in Washington DC, to alert the US and the Global Community of the Degenerating Security Situation in Nigeria where ISIS/ISWAP Terror Machinery made sweeping inroads into Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin with Nigeria as its Hub, with large-scale Killings and Dislodgment of Christian Indigenous Populations mainly in the Middle Belt and the South, encouraged by what seems a manifestly sympathetic Federal Government of Nigeria and it’s Armed Forces, in circumstances that present Terror-Related Concerns to the Global Community, particularly the United States..


(I)The Claim in the Preamble to the 1999 Constitution that “We the People” Firmly and Solemnly Resolved to live in One Political Union and that we Enacted and Gave Ourselves the 1999 Constitution, is Self-Evidently False as the Decree No 24 of 1999 by which the  so-called 1999 Constitution was Promulgated, outlined step-by-step, the Process by which the author of the 1999 Constitution, Gen, AbdusalamAbubakar and his Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council, came about the Document it labeled “the 1999 Constitution”. This is a Criminal Usurpation of the Sovereignties of the Constituent Components whose Exclusive Right it is to Make for Themselves the Constitution by which they will Federate and Be Governed, as an incident of their Sovereignty. Even by the admission of the 1999 Constitution at Section 14(2)(a), “Sovereignty Belongs to the People, from whom, Government, through this Constitution Derive all its Powers and Authority”. This is the Fountain from which all other Constitutional Grievances Flow and there is no other REMEDY to this Particular Grievance  than an Autochthonous Process by which the Constituent Components will Submit their Peoples and their Lands into a Union, and also Stipulate the Terms of that Union, to be Ratified by Referendums and Plebiscites. (Ref: Decree No.24 as Incorporated into the 1999 Constitution and the Preambular Text of the 1999 Constitution).x

(II) A Federation is a Union of Constitutions and Nigeria became a Federation of Three Largely Autonomous Regions at Independence in 1960 when those Regions, each armed with its own Constitution, Agreed to Federate into One Political Union after Series of Negotiations at Lancaster House in London between 1957 and 1959. The Midwestern Region became the 4th Region of Nigeria in 1963 from a Constitutional Process.

The 36 States and 774 Local Governments Structure unilaterally imposed by the 1999 Constitution fundamentally distorts the Pre-1966, Four-Region Federation, especially the Power Relations between the “Federating Units” and the “Federal Government”, which is supposed to be a creation of the Federating Units, rendering the Nigerian Union a Unitary State away from the Federal Basis upon which the Autonomous Regions of the Diverse Peoples of Nigeria agreed to become one Political Union at Independence.

These imposed Structures also create artificial Permanent Political Majorities and Permanent Political Minorities, irrespective of ground realities in terms of Populations and other Key Indices with grave implications for Representation in the Places of Decision-Making as well as Resource-Allocation, amongst other debilitations. There is no other viable REMEDY for this particular Grievance than reverting to a Negotiated Basis of Federating in Terms of Formations and Preferences, Ratified by Referendums and Plebiscites. (Ref: First Schedule Part 1 of the1999 Constitution).

The Various Agitations in Nigeria, from the Niger Delta Resource-Control Agitation, to the Yoruba OPC and AMOTEKUN that seek Control over Yoruba Internal Security, to the Biafra Agitation by those in Eastern Nigeria who are so completely frustrated by the Inequitable and Unworkable Nigerian Unitary Union, that they seek outright exit from the Union, are caused by the 68-Item Federal Exclusive Legislative List. That Nigeria is without Electricity, or any meaningful Infrastructure, is on account of this Federal Exclusive Legislative List. That Nigeria has become the Poverty Capital of the World is due mainly to the Exclusive List. The Broken Down Security Situation in Nigeria is also largely due to this same Exclusive List.

The REMEDY to this Particular Constitutional Grievance, is to Dismantle the Exclusive List Completely, Restore the Sovereign Powers of the Constituent Components which may in turn, Cede to the Center, only such Powers as they freely wish, in unfettered Self-Determination as dictated by the Concept of Federalism. (Ref: Second Schedule Part-1 of the 1999 Constitution).

(IV) Aggravation of Existing Constitutional Grievances And Extraordinary Urgency For Remedial Action:
Amidst Trenchant Demands by the Peoples of the South and Middle-Belt, for the Fundamental Reconfiguration of Nigeria’s Unitary Constitutional Order to Address the Dysfunctional System under which Security and Infrastructure had completely broken Down in Nigeria, the ferocious Ethnic Cleansing Onslaught by the Fulani Militia masquerading as “Herdsmen” commenced throughout Southern and Middle-Belt Nigeria, upon the emergence of Major-General Muhammadu Buhari, in 2015, as the President of Nigeria, compounding the Boko-Haram Insurgency and Terror Campaign that was already ravaging the North-East of Nigeria  especially the Christian Communities.

Concerning the rapidly worsening Security Situation in Nigeria, particularly in the Southern and Middle-Belt Territories as well as the glaring complicity of the Federal Government of Nigeria, in circumstances that progressively validate the charge of outright collusion with the Murderous Fulani Militia, it is pertinent to point out the following:

(a) That as President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, (a Fulani himself and a Life Grand Patron of the Fulani Cattle Breeders Association MACBAN) had asked the Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, who had come to seek the Federal Government’s Intervention on the Invasion of Benue State by Fulani “Herdsmen”, to go home and get his People to live in peace with the Murderous Fulani “Herdsmen” who Buhari described as “the Fulani of Benue”.

(b) Nigeria’s Defence Minister under President Buhari had declared that the Developments blockingwhat he described as “ancientCow Grazing Routes”, must be removed or the Cows and the “Herdsmen” will bulldoze their way through the Developments.x

(c) The Inspector-General of Police under President Buhari declared that the States which passed and enforced Anti-Open Grazing Laws were responsible for the Violence being unleashed by the Fulani Herdsmen and that UNLESS those Laws were repealed, the situation could only get worse.

(d) Amidst the agonizing cry of the Peoples of the Middle-Belt and the South regarding the Invasion their Communities by Murderous Fulani Militia, the Spokesman of President Buhari, Femi Adesina, advised the distressed and endangered Communities that it would be better to give up their Lands to the Fulani IN ORDER toSave their Lives.

(e) Under the watch of President Buhari and at the outset of the post-2015 escalation of the Fulani “Herdsmen” Killings in Southern Kaduna, the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai had announced how he went to 14 different Countries to appease the Fulani who come from those Countries to kill in Southern Kaduna. This appeasement measure, according to El-Rufai, included the payment of N100 Million from the Public Purse of Kaduna State to the invading murderous Fulani Militia.

(f) Under the watch of President Buhari, a strange practice was introduced, in which captured fighters of Boko Haram and other Terror Groups, are freed by the Federal Government of Nigeria, which declares them “Repentant” and actually absorbs them into the Nigerian Military..x

(g) The recent Unilateral Declaration by President Buhari, that Africans from all parts of Africa, arefree to enter Nigeria without Visa, and the consequent influx of Fulani into Nigeria, (who are being openly aided by the Federal Government of Nigeria, to take over vast Lands from the Indigenous Communities), has exacerbated the undisguised Ethnic Cleansing by the invading Fulani, (whom the Governor of Bauchi State recently declared as being all Nigerians, wherever they are in Africa) on a scale that totally compromise the Sovereignty of Nigeria and therefore that of all of the Constituent Components of Nigeria particularly, the South and Middle-Belt. The massive influx of dangerous-looking Fulani migrants into Southern Nigeria during the Federal Government imposed Covid-19 Lockdown is a pointer to the malevolent motives of the Fulani. In the first week of August, 2020, the US raised alarm about an impending invasion of Nigeria by both Al-Qaeda and ISIS from Nigeria’s North-West.

To further compromise our Sovereignty, ChineseLoans being recklessly contracted by the Federal Government of Nigeria contain clauses that cede Nigeria’s Sovereignty to China in the event of default.

Reckoning Aggravations (a)-(g) above, the Peoples of South and Middle-Belt of Nigeriaare now in the horrific realization and apprehension that the Fulani-Controlled Federal Government of Nigeria, under the superintendence of a Fulani President, Muhammadu Buhari, could actually be behind the well orchestrated Ethnic Cleansing Campaign being unleashed against the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria by the Fulani Invading Nigeria from all sides.x

In the face of the Sharia embraced by our Compatriots in the Far North of Nigeria in a supposedly Secular Federation, the Clear Existential Threat to the Peoples of Southern and Middle Belt Nigeria represented by the aforementioned Jihad-Style Fulani Militia Onslaught, brings a new urgency to the Grave Constitutional Grievances that had been consistently raised by the Peoples of Southern and Middle Belt Nigeria in the course of the last five decades, bordering on the Sovereignties of the Constituent Components of Nigeria which has now been completely hijacked, suppressed and subjugated by the illicit Federal Government of Nigeria which has become a Suzerain Power controlled Exclusively by the Fulani.

BEING Accredited Representatives of the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria’s Southern and Middle-Belt Territories,hereinafter called “the Alliance Territories”, (Constituting over 75% of the Population of Nigeria), on behalf of the Peoples of the Alliance Territories, and in Invocation of the Universal Rights appurtenant to our Sovereignties as Indigenous Peoples of the Distressed Nigerian Federation, including the Right To Self-Determination as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007 as well as the United  Nations Charter On Human Rights;

HAVING  exhausted every Democratic, People-Driven Process in seeking an orderly redress for the aforementioned Grave Constitutional Grievances emanating from the Unilateral Imposition of a Unitary Constitutional Order on our supposed Federal Union by a Section of Nigeria that has also Imposed Sharia in their own Part of our supposed Secular Union;

AND NOW in circumstances that has become an extraordinary emergency for our Peoples, being confronted by the Clear and Present danger of Extermination in the hands of our supposed Compatriots in the Union of Nigeria who are Pursuing an Ethnic Cleansing Campaign against the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria

HEREBY DECLARE A SOVEREIGNTY DISPUTE with the Federation of Nigeria as represented by Federal Government of Nigeria, on account of our Repudiation and Rejection of the Imposed 1999 Constitution of Nigeria whose authorship was Fraudulently imputed to us by the Preamble to that Constitution in its False Claim that “We the People”, Made, Enacted and Gave To Ourselves the said 1999 Constitution, with a further lie in that same Preamble, that we had Firmly and Solemnly Resolved to submit Our Peoples and Our Lands into the Union of Nigeria.

FURTHERMORE, IN INVOCATION OF OUR LONG-SUPPRESSED COLLECTIVE SOVEREIGNTIES WE HEREBY PROCLAIM A CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE MAJEURE effective from the Midnight of the 16th Day of December 2020, with a 90-Day NOTICE to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria, the Security Council of the United Nations, the Government of the United States of America, the European Union  as well as the International Community, of the Intention of the Peoples of the Alliance Territories to reconsider our Continued Allegiance to the Disputed 1999 Constitution as well as the Unitary Union of Death, Attrition and Backwardness it foists on us.x


(A) A Formal Announcement by the Federal Government of Nigeria acknowledging the Constitutional Grievances and  Sovereignty Dispute now Declared by the Peoples of South and Middle-Belt of Nigeria.

(B) A Formal Commitment by Federal Government of Nigeria to the wholesale Decommissioning and Jettisoning of the 1999 Constitution as the Basis of the Federation of Nigeria as was done by the Government of Apartheid-Era South Africa in 1990, to commence the process by which the Apartheid Constitution of the then South Africa was eased out.

(C)A Formal Announcement by the Federal Government of Nigeria suspending further General Elections under the Disputed 1999 Constitution since winners of such Elections will Swear to, and Govern by that Constitution.

(D) A Formal Invitation to the Peoples of the South and Middle-Belt of Nigeria to work out and emplace a Transitional Authority, which shall  specify the Modalities for the Transitioning Process including the Composition and Mandate of the Transitional Authority as well as the Time-frame for the Transitioning and other Ancillary Matters.

(E) A Formal Initiation of a Time-Bound Transitioning Process to midwife the emergence of Fresh Constitutional Protocols by a Two-Stage Process in which the Constituent Regional Blocs will at the first stage, Distill and Ratify their various Constitutions by Referendums and Plebiscites and in the second stage, Negotiate the Terms of Federating afresh as may be dictated by the outcomes of Referendum and Plebiscites.x

BY THIS PROCLAMATION, Let it be known to ALL, including International Money Lenders, that Nigeria is now a Disputed Project and that while the Constituent Components commit to honouring existing International Debt Obligations, WE CAUTION that whatever Obligations that may arise from any Foreign Loans contracted by the Federal Government of Nigeria from the date of this Proclamation may come into controversy. Similarly, all Loans contracted by the Federal Government of Nigeria, containing any Clause that may Cede the Sovereignty of Nigeriaor any part thereof in the event of Repayment Default shall be disputed as illicit, and in breach of the Sovereignty of the Federating Units.x

We also invite Politicians from the Alliance Territories and all Political Parties Operating in the Alliance Territories, to TAKE NOTICE,  that the 1999 Constitution by which the winner of any National Elections in Nigeria will Swear, and Govern, is the very Object of the Sovereignty Dispute We Have just Proclaimed, with a Demand that Further National Elections premised upon that Repudiated Constitution, be Deferred Forthwith, for the purpose of first Reworking the Damaged Constitutional Basis of Nigeria. It is therefore our Expectation that you will stand with the People you Claim or Seek to Serve as Politicians or Political Parties in their current resolve to Wind up the Operation of the 1999 Constitution and Extinguish the source of their Misery. If instead of standing with your People, you choose to go to another round ofGeneral Elections in 2023 under thatConstitution,it will simply mean that you are a part of the enemy-imposed Mechanism for Inflicting Death, Misery and Impoverishment upon your own People, for no other reason than Personal Gain.

The Signatories to this Proclamation commit themselves to providing a Detailed Proposition for Undertaking this Fundamental Reconfiguration of the Damaged Constitutional Basis of Nigeria. In this regard, the Signatories Adopt and Incorporate the MNN Alliance’s November 16, 2018 OPEN MEMORANDUM TO PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI ON THE RESTRCTURING DEBATE, (click this link  https://bit.ly/2ILKjNs  for the full text and was also reported by Guardian of Nov 18, 2018) as an outline of our Prescriptions.

ISSUED THIS 16thDAY OFDecember 2020

SIGNATORIES TO THE NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL GRIEVANCES, DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE MAJEURE AND DEMAND FOR TRANSITIONING PROCESS FOR AN ORDERLY RECONFIGURATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS OF THE FEDERATION OF NIGERIA. (Being the Joint Proclamation of a Sovereignty Dispute by Accredited Delegates of Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities of the Southern and Middle Belt Territories of Nigeria, Issued the 16thDay of December 2020 in Lagos), under the title CORRECTING THE MISTAKE OF 1914


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