Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Reps move to halt almajiri repatriation

MEMBERS of House of Representatives have called on the Federal Government to intervene and immediately halt the repatriation of the almajiri children to their states of origin.

  This formed part of the resolutions of the lawmakers during today’s plenary at the lower chamber of the National Assembly in Abuja.

  They made the call following a motion sponsored by a member of the House, Aishatu Dukku.

  According to Dukku, the repatriation of Almajiria children is against the fundamental human rights of any Nigerian to reside in any part of the country.

  She also expressed concern over the mode of transportation the children were subjected to.

The lawmaker described it as dehumanising, stressing that the children were packed into a vehicle in the scorching sun.

  The House also resolved to urge Northern governors to ensure that almajiri children were captured in Universal Basic and Technical Education System (UBTE).

Credit: National Light


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