Tuesday, 22 October, 2024



The South East Amalgamated Markets Traders Association (S.E.A.M.A.T.A), the umbrella union of traders in all markets in the South East Geo-political Zone, in their meeting held in their secretariat at 52 Modebe Avenue, Odoakpu, Onitsha in Anambra State on Tuesday, March 9th, 2021, came up with the following resolutions :

(1) The Association sympathizes with the entire traders in Timber Market, Nkwo Nnewi, that lost great fortunes and life-long investments in yet another fire disaster that engulfed the entire market recently. This Association was sore pained in the frequency of fire incidence in this market, which seems to have become a regular occurrence as records show that it happens yearly at worst or every other year at best, throwing traders in the market and their family members into agony and untold hardships.
This Association calls on the Government of Anambra State to first set up a panel to investigate the incident with a view to establishing the remote and immediate cause of the frequency of these fire incidences in this Nnewi Timber Market.
The Association also appeals to the Anambra State government, and indeed, the governments at all levels and good-spirited individuals to come to the aid of traders in this market through financial assistance.

(2) The Association notes that the governorship election is coming up in Anambra State and resolves that the traders making up over 75% of the voting population shall fully participate in the exercise. The Association decided to contribute their quota towards the sustenance of Civil democratic rule in our nation.
The Association calls on all political parties participating in this coming governorship election in Anambra State to apply true democratic principles in selecting their candidates. Since the candidate so elected shall bear the title “His/Her Excellency,” the process of His/Her emergence shall be “EXCELLENT.”
The Association resolved to monitor the primary elections of all the political parties to confirm that their processes were not only democratic but are transparently free, fair, and credible. Since traders constitute over 75% of voters in Anambra State and the entire South East, it is evident that they will determine who becomes the Governor of Anambra State through their votes. Therefore, the Association resolved not to support any candidate whose emergence is seen to be undemocratic and not to be free, fair, and credible.
Finally, the Association wishes all aspirants and the political parties c1ontesting the election well.

Chief Gozie Akudolu
President General

Alex Okwudiri
Secretary General.


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